レビュー | アメリカ,ワシントンのSPHCレーベルが"Gero Me" 10インチをレビュー


This is my favorite grind record of the past few years. It has completely rejuvenated my faith in grind as something relevant, powerful, and cool, and not just bad metal, juvenile antics, or an exercise in dismissing quality control. Sete Star Sept have brought grind back to the place that made it appealing to me in the first place: proper musical destruction.
A good example of my feelings (I know plenty of people disagree with me) is my oft-rebuked dislike of Terrorizer, which is so often hailed as a grindcore legend but to me represents everything I DON'T like about grind. On a message board I frequent people seemed shocked, "the riffs! the phasing! the songs! the sounds!", but that's literally the last thing I want to hear from a grindcore record. I don't want riffs. I don't want songs. I don't want phasing. I just want people banging on stuff as fast as they can and yelling over it. I want musical destruction, ie the abandonment of our pre-conceptions about music, and the process of finding purity of expression through the physical expression of intense emotion. I want fuckin noise. If I want great songs with powerful riffs, I'll listen to Judgement. It's a totally different process and ideal, and I don't like it when grind aims for that...
Anyway, this record is a masterpiece and is without a doubt the finest Sete Star Sept work yet. It was my honor to bring them to the US. They are the best live band of their genre, "true professionals", they blew me away every single night, evolved my thought process about music into something new, and inspired me in new ways of creativity. Legends in the making.

On Bandcamp

