レビュー | アメリカ,サンフランシスコのCrucial Blast recordsが"Gero Me"10インチをレビュー

Crucial Blast records (U.S.A)

First off, just look at that cover. Gero Me's brilliant full-color jacket sports a candy-colored vision of body destruction from visionary guro manga artist Shintaro Kago, whose gorgeously rendered illustrations depict all manner of sexual grotesquery and violent atrocity;
If you're in the mood to blast your eyeballs with scenes of incredibly disturbing depravity and dystopian nihilism, check out his books Koro Koro Soushi and An Inquiry Concerning A Mechanistic Worldview of the Pituitary Gland. Japanese noisegrinders Sete Star Sept are obviously big fans as well, and this 10" is a love letter of sorts to the vomit-and-cum splattered fantasies of ero-gero written in the form of fifty tracks of batshit noisegrind from this bass/drums duo. Beginning with the sound of puking vocals and screaming high pitched feedback, the band launches into a non-stop orgy of adrenalized blastnoise, each "song" a hyperpseed assault of deformed grindcore riffs, insanely bestial-sounding female vocals, chattering monkey shrieks, hoarse psychotic gibberish, and ultra-chaotic blast beats, each track averaging around thirty seconds long. It's all seemingly improvised, the shapeless grind melting into pure howling amplifier noise, and every couple of tracks they'll suddenly lurch into a crushing freak-out of tribal drumming and electronic skree, or a grinding mid-tempo punk riff, a short blast of creeping noise-drenched sludge, lock into a bizarre whirlwind groove that sounds like the band has abruptly started to playbackwards. A couple of tracks are barely seconds long, bordering on noisecore, but with some brutal riffing found in the cyclone blasts of supersonic earhate. This ultra-violent blast chaos is rendered with nice burly production, and fans of stuff like Scum-era Napalm Death, 7 Minutes Of Nausea, Anal Cunt, Sore Throat, Aunt Mary, Nihilist Commando, Fear Of God, and Nikudorei will lose their minds to this record.

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